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Jeff Hardy Twist of Fate und Swanton Bomb Combo
WWE - Twist Of Fate + Swanton Bomb Combo
WWE Jeff Hardy 2 Finisher Moves Twist of Fate and Swanton Bomb on Triple H (No Mercy 2008)
JeFf HaRdy StyLe Twist of Fate EnD SwAntoN BomB
Jeff Hardy - Twist Of Fate
Jeff hardy Twist of fate on Angle ouside the ring, Swanton too
Forest national - Hardy Boys(Twist of fate + swanton bomb)
Hardyz: Twist of Fate + Swanton Bomb
twist of fate and swanton bomb
Xtreme Combonation (Twist of Fate then Swanton Bomb)
JeFf HaRdy Twist of Fate__nEw
Jeff Hardy - Crazy Twist of Fate